On the 43rd week, despite the expectations of many charterers, the freight level continues to remain at a fairly high level, exceeding the mark of $ 80 per ton from Azov to Marmara Sea ports. The export fee on wheat exports continues to grow for the second week in a row, from October 26th it will already amount to 3028 rubles per ton. For most grain traders, such dynamics of export fee growth and the high levels of freight rates do not allow them to conclude new sales contracts, which forces the traders to wait for freight to fall to 74-75 dollars per ton on wheat basis from Azov to Marmara Sea ports. There is a lot of coal shipments from the ports of the Azov Sea at the level of 84-85 dollars per ton from Rostov to Marmara. It is worth noting that there is not such a sharp shortage of fleet on the market as it has been over the past few weeks. Thus, there is reason to assume that in the near future rates may record a slight drop.