On the 26th week freight rates in the Azov-Black Sea region began to record an increase, reaching a level of $ 34 for a shipment of 3,000 tons of wheat from Azov to Marmara Sea ports. It should be noted that shipowners give such rates for the first decade and for the middle of July, and there are still few spot shipments, among other reasons due to the fact that this week all countries of the Muslim world celebrate Eid al-Adha.
It should also be noted that the tax on wheat exports from June 28th will be reduced again, to 2473.3 rubles per ton, the export fee on barley will remain zero, on the export of corn — will decrease to 937.8 rubles per ton. In general, this week charterers start to work out contracts for July, requests for Turkey and the Middle East countries appear more and more often.