On the 51st week, freight rates in the Azov-Black Sea region slightly dropped to the level of $ 73 for a shipment of 3,000 tons of wheat from Azov to Marmara Sea ports. Such dynamics is explained by the continued low demand from Turkish grain buyers.
Charterers’ requests mainly mention Mersin, while shipowners prefer short voyages to the ports of the Black and Marmara Seas, which are less demanded on the part of charterers. Meantime, Italian companies are again showing interest in Russian grain, but it is even harder to find a fleet for this direction than for Mersin.
Along with the drop in rates for grain cargoes, coal rates have dropped significantly this week, to the level of $ 55 when shipping 3,000 tons from Rostov to TBS. Thus, grain cargoes still remain more attractive for shipowners.
It should be noted that since December 21, the export fee on wheat and barley will rise again, amounting to 3333.8 and 2686.9 rubles per ton respectively, while the tax on corn will return to zero again.