Freight rates remain on the same level on the 7th week
On the 7th week, rates in the Azov-Black Sea region remain at USD 19 pmt for a shipment of 3000 tonnes of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.
On the 7th week, rates in the Azov-Black Sea region remain at USD 19 pmt for a shipment of 3000 tonnes of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.
On the 6th week, freight rates in the Azov-Black Sea region fell to USD 19 pmt for shipment of 3,000 tons of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports. The grain market this week is still not very active, and the introduction of quotas for the wheat export a week later has no strong […]
On the 5th week, rates in Azov-Black Sea region are still at the level of USD 20 pmt for a shipment of 3000 tons deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.
On the 4th week, rates in Azov-Black Sea region remain at the level of 20 dollars per ton for a shipment of 3000 tons of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.
On the 3rd week the trend of freight rates decrease continues in Azov-Black Sea region. The cost of a shipment of 3000 tonnes of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports decreased to USD 20 pmt.
On the 52nd week in Azov-Black Sea region freight rates continue to fall. The cost of shipment of 3000 tons of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports dropped down to $21 per ton.
On the 51st week freight rates in the Azov-Black Sea region continue to decline. Thus, the cost of a 3000 mts shipment of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports is USD 23-24 per ton.
On the 50th week, freight rates in Azov-Black Sea region continue to decrease. The cost of 3,000 tons shipment of deadweight cargo from Azov to the Marmara sea ports is USD 25 pmt.
On the 49th week, freight rates in the Azov-Black Sea region began to fall again, and are at the level of $ 26-27 for ta shipment of 3,000 tons of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.
On the 48th week, freight rates in the Azov-Black Sea region remain at USD 28 pmt for shipment of 3,000 tons of deadweight cargo from Azov to Marmara Sea ports.